Renewal Kidney Foundation


    Since 2006, there has been one worthy organization dedicated to the preservation of Jewish life. Nearly ten years since its inception, today, they are responsible for saving hundreds of lives within the Jewish community.
They are called Renewal, a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting people suffering from various forms of kidney disease.
The Facts
    To truly comprehend the magnitude of this special Organization, it is important to understand a bit of human physiology, namely, about our kidneys. The kidneys are a pair of organs located in the back of the abdomen. Their function? Well, the kidneys perform a number of tasks, chiefly filtering the blood, removing wastes to create urine, adjusting the chemical and fluid balance in the body, and participating in the control of blood pressure. Our kidneys are also involved in regulating the effects of vitamin D on the body and in stimulating bone marrow to create new red blood cells.
When the kidneys are damaged by disease, some or all of these functions can be impaired, causing one to become very ill; when they fail to function at all, a person will die without treatment. While this fact alone is troubling, you might be disturbed to learn that kidney ailments are the ninth leading cause of death in the United States.
Here’s the growing problem:
• More than 661,000 Americans have kidney failure. Of these, 468,000 individuals are on dialysis.
• After one year, patients on dialysis have a 20-25% mortality rate, with a five-year mortality rate of 68%
• Kidney failure is increasing in the United States by 5% per year.
• The need for donor kidneys in the United States is rising at 8% per year.
• Potential kidney donors will often refrain due to ancillary costs (i.e. time off from work, meals, babysitting).
The essential antidote for patients is, of course, a kidney transplant. A surgery done to replace the diseased kidney with a healthy kidney from a donor. But, the procedure alone is far from the biggest obstacle a patient will face.
According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, close to 100,000 Americans are currently waiting for a new kidney. Taking that into consideration, coupled with the strict criteria outlining just who gets precedence should a ‘match’ become available, many of our Jewish brethren and fellow community members still remain on that waiting list.  Of the 100,000 people on the above-mentioned list, fewer than 17,000 people receive one each year. This is not to mention a patient will likely wait between five and seven years before receiving a new kidney.
Heeding The Call
    Their mission statement reads: “Renewal is a multi-faceted organization dedicated to saving lives through kidney donation”. Though to leave it at that, would be an injustice to say the least! After bearing witness to the growing number of Jewish community members on the recipient waiting list, Renewal was created by an extraordinary team of activists. Their mission is perhaps of the holiest tasks one can hope to accomplish: Save lives.
The team at Renewal selflessly devote themselves to assisting people suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease, and to educating the public on the life-saving benefits of living kidney donations. Aside for facilitating and coordinating live donor kidney transplants, they provide professional advice, practical and financial assistance, as well as emotional support for both parties.
We mentioned that the average wait time of receiving a donor kidney ranges between five and seven years, but those abetted by Renewal will typically wait less than one year. As for the inevitable monetary loss that ensues after a transplant. Renewal covers ancillary costs such as time off from work, transportation, meals, babysitting, rehabilitation, and other expenses. 
By matching those capable and willing to offer the gift of life with those who desperately need it, their work has saved lives throughout the Jewish world, including many here in our Sephardic community.
Real People, Real Stories
~ Mr. Henry Barnathan ~
    About ten years ago, Henry (“Rico”) Barnathan, a well-known business owner, father and grandfather, went on a family Bar Mitzvah trip to Israel. While walking casually along the cobblestone streets, Rico fell and broke his ankle. He was taken to the hospital for an x-ray, where they discovered the disturbing news. Through Henry’s blood work, doctors found that he had been living with chronic kidney disease, and his kidney had already encountered 90% damage.
Although he exhibited no symptoms at the time, Rico’s kidneys continued to deteriorate and he grew increasingly fatigued. Over time, partly due to his failing kidneys, Rico was also diagnosed with coronary disease, and in November 2012, required open-heart surgery from which he recovered.
In March of 2015, the severity of Rico’s symptoms markedly increased. He was out of breath, lethargic, walked very slowly, could not eat, or even lie down on his own. One evening, his blood pressure dropped especially low and his body accumulated a buildup of fluid. Hatzalah was called, and he was rushed to the hospital. Doctors found his creatinine level to be very high, and insisted he take a water pill to drain his kidneys.
Thereafter, Rico was put on emergency dialysis for several months to save his life. The dialysis immediately helped, however, for Rico this was not a long-term solution. He tells us: “Dialysis is not a way of life; it is a wasted day.”
Rico’s family learned about Renewal. His son, Eddie, placed him on the list for a live kidney donor. Eddie affirms, “The three top guys, A.J. Gindi, Menachem Friedman and David Schischa, immediately stepped in and put us at ease. They made us feel confident, and worked tirelessly to get a matching donor.” Renewal’s strong partnership with the Barnathan Family had inspired them to say the least.
“They are more than family,” Eddie says, “They’re angels from Hashem who do kindness and hesed.”
Within a month, Renewal found a live donor, and in June of 2015, Rico underwent the procedure at Mt. Sinai hospital with the respected Dr. Ron Shapiro. Rico praised his donor, a young Hassidic man, and all of those who volunteer to save a life:
“These donors are true believers of Hashem. There are no boundaries when helping another Jew. There is nothing more important than the true hesed of saving a life.”
On the day of the operation, everyone hugged, and asked the donor for a blessing.
Today, Henry lives a healthy life, and is cherished by his many children and grandchildren.
~ Rabbi Eliyahu Azatchi ~
    A resident of Long Branch, NJ, Rabbi Eliyahu Azatchi enjoys his daily studies at the Sephardic Torah Center Kollel, as he has for more than thirty years. He is married and is thankful for his many children and grandchildren.
For years, the Rabbi went about his daily life as usual; Studying, teaching, enjoying his family. However, things came to an abrupt halt when doctors discovered the Rabbi’s kidneys were functioning at about a 30% performance level.
“The doctor warned me about the situation,” Rabbi Azatchi says, “but he gave the impression that it was treatable with medication and changes in my lifestyle. I was concerned… but not so worried”.
Over time, however, the situation progressed and the Rabbi’s health was in steady decline.
Throughout the subsequent three years, Rabbi Azatchi took the prescribed medications, and carefully watched his diet and blood pressure. But unfortunately, there came a point when he could no longer ignore the fatigue and lack of clarity in his thinking.
“I gained 20 pounds in one year due to water retention. I was told that I needed a kidney transplant.”
The Rabbi knew about Renewal, and sought advice about donors. Both family members and others volunteered, and after evaluation, one of his family members was indeed found to be a match. Two weeks prior to surgery, however, a Renewal representative informed the Rabbi and his family that they’d prefer not to use the presumed donor, due Renewal’s strict medical guidelines. But in the same breath, the representative reassured them: “Don’t worry; we have another donor for you.”
Rabbi Azatchi applied to Renewal in January 2014 and had a transplant scheduled for August 2014. After surgery, the Rabbi finally met his donor.
“A true sadeket,” he says, “She made me feel like I was doing her a favor by giving her the zechut to do a misva. There is no way to thank her.”
Throughout his emotional journey, Rabbi Azatchi was most concerned about his children, “I kept thinking, ‘my son’s Bar Mitzvah is this year--am I going to make it?’” Thanks to the tireless efforts of Renewal, the Rabbi indeed made it to that Bar Mitzvah without ever going to dialysis.
“I am no longer fatigued or unfocussed. I feel Hashem gave me a second chance because of my wife and children.” He gently added, “Make your time count, and appreciate your family.”
~ Mr. Yaniv Nagar ~
    It was roughly thirteen years ago that Yaniv, a New Jersey local, was informed he had Polycystic kidney disease; a disease in which the kidneys contain noncancerous sacs containing water-like fluid, which can often grow very large. Upon discovering his patient’s condition, Yaniv’s doctor delivered the terrifying verdict: “You have ten years to live”.
To Yaniv, the news seemed surreal, and for three days, he simply could not digest the statement. After he finally ‘came to’, Yaniv found himself in an emotional frenzy.
Upon seeking the support and guidance of Rabbi Shmuel Choueka of Congregation Ohel Simha (Park Avenue Shul), the Rabbi directed Yaniv to Dr. Albert Matalon of NYU Medical Center. Until today, Yaniv remains under Dr. Matalon’s care.
As time progressed, and with his new Doctor’s help, Yaniv learned to cope with his condition. He remained sound for the years that followed, and went about life rather optimistically, though never forgetting the decree of his previous doctor.
After seeing irregularities in his patient’s creatinine level, Dr. Matalon referred Yaniv to Renewal. He needed a new kidney.
From there, Yaniv met Renewal Community Advocate, A.J. Gindi, who immediately took Yaniv under his personal care. He was soon registered with Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, and put on the registry for a new kidney. Just months later, Yaniv ran in to A.J. on Purim Day, where he assured him things were in development. Although encouraging, days can feel like centuries waiting on that phone call.
Finally, Yaniv received a call from Columbia Presbyterian. He was told to come meet the chief of surgery, as he was scheduled for an operation on the 24th of May. Alas things began looking up.
After meeting with the surgeon and undergoing the required bloodwork and necessary procedures, Yaniv readied himself for surgery. While donning his scrubs, he was paid visit by some of the men who made it all possible. A.J. Gindi, Menachem Friedman, and David Schischa of Renewal graced his hospital room with warm wishes and blessings of success.
It was only minutes before the procedure was set to take place, and Yaniv was feeling good, except for one thing that gnawed at his heart. Up to this point, he remained in the dark as to who his mystery donor was, he was told the donor preferred remaining anonymous. That was, however, until everyone had left the room, and Yaniv was left alone awaiting transport to the surgical room.
With just five minutes left, in walked the donor. Yaniv was overtaken by emotion as he gazed at the stranger who would be saving his life.
“I want to give you my kidney” the donor began, “You’re going to be healthy again, and I don’t want you to worry about anything”. In a show of tears, the two embraced. Yaniv expressed his concern for his new hero, but the donor was adamant: “Don’t worry about me. I just want you to be healthy”. 
Weeks later, Yaniv is home recovering from the procedure. He tells us he’s feeling better and stronger every day.
He vows to never forget what Renewal has done for him.
~ Mr. Jack Shemueli ~
    Jack Shemueli is a proud father and grandfather from Deal, NJ. Just two years ago, Jack was given the frightening news: after years of closely managing his diabetes, he was unfortunately in need of a new kidney. Initially, Jack was adamant not to have his children evaluated for donation, but after substantial pressure from his children, and friend A.J. Gindi, he relented. His son was found to be a perfect match.
After undergoing the required testing and bloodwork, father and son were given a schedule date for the operation., though their optimism would be short-lived. Much to their surprise, a final x-ray revealed a less-than-perfect photograph of his noble son's kidneys; and an additional three months of testing was required to rule out any concern. This meant Jack would have to begin dialysis in the interim.
Their conclusion found that although Jack's son was healthy, and a perfect genetic match, the few nonmalignant spots were enough to disqualify him as his father’s donor. It was back to square one.
Meanwhile, Izzy, an attorney and father of five from Flatbush, reached out to Renewal around the very same time. He had joined a minyan in Mount Sinai Hospital while visiting a friend that had donated a kidney. He was inspired by his friend’s tremendous act of hesed and decided right then and there that he wants to donate his kidney.
After living life on dialysis for several months, Jack knew this was no way to live, and turned to Renewal in hope they could find him a match. Just two months from the day he placed that call, Renewal coordinated the transplant between Jack and Izzy -two total strangers, giving Jack what he calls “a new lease on life”.
Finally, we sat down with A.J. Gindi, Renewal’s community advocate, himself a kidney donor, who has been with Renewal for more than two years now.  
CM: So A.J., how did your relationship with Renewal Begin?
AJ: In February 2013 I became an altruistic kidney donor. Meaning I donated my kidney without knowing or meeting my recipient until the day of transplant. Before that, Renewal received various requests from other Community members in need of a transplant, and facilitated a few. In February 2014, they asked if I would serve as Community Advocate because they felt the need for someone who knew the Sephardic culture and ‘language’.
CM: We have noticed many transplants have taken place in the past few months. Why do you feel there is such a sudden need for kidneys?
AJ: I think the need was always there. People just never knew where to go. In the past, people would register with the hospital and wait years hoping for a phone call that a kidney would become available. Every few days they would go to the dialysis center for treatment, and many would pass away on the machines. Renewal has given people a new hope.
CM: What is dialysis?
AJ: Dialysis is a process in which the toxins in the blood are filtered through a machine. Since a person’s kidneys have failed, there is no way to relieve the body of those toxins if not for dialysis. The average patient will go 3 days a week for 4 hours at a time.
CM: What is the main cause of kidney failure and at what age?
AJ: According to the National Kidney Center, the main causes of kidney disease are diabetes, high blood pressure, and in some cases, medication. The Kidney Center asserts that some over-the-counter medicines can be poisonous to your kidneys if taken regularly over a long period of time. Products that combine aspirin, acetaminophen, and other medicines like ibuprofen have been found to be the most dangerous to the kidneys. If you take painkillers regularly, check with your doctor. Another factor is Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) which is hereditary.
CM: By what age should one be concerned about Gd forbid developing kidney ailments? 
AJ: As far as age is concerned, kidney disease knows no boundaries. Male, female, young or old, all can be effected. Renewal has facilitated transplants in many children as young as 2 years old and adults as old as 83. This horrific disease can effect anyone.
CM: How many people are currently on Renewals waiting list?
AJ: About 300
CM: Does that mean if you had 300 donors it would clear up the list?
AJ: I’m sorry to say -not even close. Only 30% of the people that want to donate will actually be able to pass all of the testing required to become a donor. After that there is blood matching, cross tissue matching, and antibodies to deal with. Renewal also does not solicit donors. Our goal is to educate people about kidney donations and explain the aspects of becoming a donor. Through this awareness process, people step forward for testing.
CM: If there is one thing you could wish for, what would it be?
AJ: That’s a simple question that any kidney donor could answer: We all wish we had another kidney to help save another life.
Give Life
    Since its very inception, Renewal has been involved in hundreds of transplants. In the last year alone they were responsible for 60%-70% of all altruistic transplants performed in New York. Their dedication has saved the lives of children as young as two-years-old, and adults over eighty.
Renewal invites the community to take part in its efforts to save the lives of those kidney patients in desperate need of a transplant.
To contribute to Renewal, or for more information about how you can get involved in its life-saving work, please visit Each and every one of us can save a life.

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